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Evaluation Process

All kinds of manuscripts should be sent to masculinitiesjournal@gmail.com  in both .doc and .pdf formats.

The authors are notified of reception of submission once the editors receive the manuscript.

Submissions first go through a preliminary review by the editors to ensure the manuscript complies with academic standards, publication ethics, the scope and aims of the journal as well as the writing and citation rules. Only submissions complying with these criteria are directed to reviewers. Review process may vary in terms of duration.

The authors are informed of the decisions of the reviewers as soon as the both review reports have been received.

Masculinities uses double blind peer review, in which the identities of the authors and reviewers are anonymised to ensure submissions are judged for their merit. 

Articles that receive acceptance from two reviewers are published with the final approval of the editorial board. If one of the reviewers rejects the article while the other accepts, it is sent to a third reviewer. In all cases, the editorial board makes the final decision about publication of manuscripts.

Research-in-progress pieces and book reviews are generally not sent to reviewers, but they are reviewed by the editorial board.

The authors should prepare a report that responds to the review reports. The authors are expected to list the changes they have made in this report, and to give reasons for the changes requested by the reviewer but they have not considered appropriate and not done.

Articles that have a positive result in the review process are put in order for publication according to the date of reception of their final versions following the review reports. Editorial board reserves the right to make minor changes in language and wording of the manuscripts, approves the final versions, and decides on the order of publication.


Article Withdrawal

In accordance with the Masculinities publishing policies, the authors who want to withdraw their manuscripts during the evaluation process should send their withdrawal requests to the editor via e-mail. The editor examines the withdrawal request and returns to the author.

Unless the withdrawal request is approved, the authors cannot submit their manuscripts to another journal for evaluation.


For the book reviews, following points should also be considered.

A book review aims to shed light on the most important points dealt with in the book and to discuss them critically.

Book reviews should follow a general structure consisting of introduction, book summary, critical discussion and conclusion.

Title, author, city and publishing house, publication year and ISBN number of the book should be included in the title section.

The name of the author who reviews the book should be written in 11 font size, italic and bold on the right corner under the article's title; and author's title, affiliation and e-mail address should be written in 9 font size in the footnote with a (*) sign.

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